
Reliance on Dermatological specialists has seen significant increase in referrals for diagnosis and treatment over the past few years. Conditions can range from acne and eczema to malignancy and therefore, access to Dermatology specialists has never been more important.
The role of Outpatient Network is to work with local clinicians and managers to agree treatment plans and best course of action that interconnects with existing pathways and management plans to ensure the best care for your patients.
Our Dermatology services includes (but not limited to):
- General Dermatology clinics
- Urgent/2WW clinics
- Minor operations
- Plastic surgery

COVID-19: Helping your service with its Recovery Plan
Outpatient Network understands the devastating effects the pandemic has had on elective care services and patients. Therefore, as part of our commitment to the NHS and supporting with the COVID-19 Recovery Plan, Outpatient Network has formed exclusive partnerships with mobile, modular and fixed healthcare facility providers so that we can offer increased capacity for theatres, clinics, wards and green-bed space to help with increasing capacity and the recovery from COVID-19.