Supporting our NHS
Bringing care to patients
Outpatient Network is dedicated to supporting our NHS with the challenges and complexities of waiting list management by offering a truly bespoke service for the provision of clinical capacity.
We understand the need to be flexible in our service whilst providing clinical assurance, best practice and highest level of clinical governance.

Clinical Insourcing
Clinical Insourcing has rapidly become the solution of choice for Reducing waiting times, in high volumes, without compromising patient experience and safety.
Reduce Waiting Times
By using your operational capacity, we able to deploy our clinical teams to offer rapid, high volume care to patients that need it most.
Patient Satisfaction
Patient experience and satisfaction is at its highest when care is delivered in their local hospital. Our clinical teams will fit seamlessly in to your Trust protocols to deliver the required care on your site.
Cost Effective
Our service has been created to ensure we can offer significant discounts against NHS National Tariffs and even provide a small surplus.
Our Process
On site or virtual meeting to discuss your needs from an insourced service.
Service Proposal
We will provide you with a detailed proposal summarising your requirements, our approach to delivery and costings.
Project Management
We will provide a step-by-step project timeline for pre-launch, mobilisation, launch and completion and wind down of service.
Stakeholder Meeting
We will hold a site/virtual meeting with all Trust stakeholders of service to ensure maximum engagement and ongoing communication between our teams and yours.
Workforce Planning
We will provide a thorough breakdown of our approach to optimum staffing levels and experience to ensure a safe and efficient service. All clinical staff are recruited in-house, no third parties or agencies.
Service Mobilisation
Our appointed clinical service lead will attend site for orientation so that our clinical teams can be inducted on deployment or service.

Day Case and Outpatient Clinic Specialties

COVID-19: Helping your service with its Recovery Plan
Outpatient Network understands the devastating effects the pandemic has had on elective care services and patients. Therefore, as part of our commitment to the NHS and supporting with the COVID-19 Recovery Plan, Outpatient Network has formed exclusive partnerships with mobile, modular and fixed healthcare facility providers so that we can offer increased capacity for theatres, clinics, wards and green-bed space to help with increasing capacity and the recovery from COVID-19.
Keeping Patients Safe
Outpatient Network is dedicated to clinical excellence, patient satisfaction and safety. Our service is underpinned by strong Clinical Governance and safety metrics. We put your patients first and ensure that communication flows seamlessly whilst making sure the needs of the patient and Trust is met.
Effective Service
Care & Listening
Safe & Expert Led