Our Services
Outpatient Network offer a wide range of clinical and surgical specialties including innovative solutions to operational capacity to help increase service provisions. Each of our specialties are managed by an experienced, dedicated Clinical Lead and Nurse Lead with overarching support from our Medical Director and Head of Nursing. All services are monitored and reviewed by the Outpatient Network Clinical Governing Council and vetted against the NHS 7 Pillars of Clinical Governance.

COVID-19: Helping your service with its Recovery Plan
Outpatient Network understands the devastating effects the pandemic has had on elective care services and patients. Therefore, as part of our commitment to the NHS and supporting with the COVID-19 Recovery Plan, Outpatient Network has formed exclusive partnerships with mobile, modular and fixed healthcare facility providers so that we can offer increased capacity for theatres, clinics, wards and green-bed space to help with increasing capacity and the recovery from COVID-19.